This is a story that one of my readers sent me. Sally's story began with something lost, but what she found instead would last forever.
My story begins years ago when I was backpacking through Israel and bought a beautiful hand-carved nativity set from olive wood. I set it out every year as my favorite Christmas decoration. When my youngest son was two, he kept taking the little baby Jesus from the manger to play with him. I would tell him not to, but he loved that little piece. Then one day, the baby was lost. I was so disappointed — what was the point of having a nativity if the focal point was gone?
I didn’t set it out for the next couple of years, but one Christmas I was thinking about how we needed to incorporate the Savior more in our Christmas celebrations and I thought of that set. When we lost the piece that year, I spent a long time looking all over the house for the baby Jesus, and then I realized — that is what I should be doing every year! That is the whole point of Christmas! So I now set that nativity out with the missing baby and it reminds me every year to focus on spending my time searching diligently for Christ.
Thank you, Sally.
My story begins years ago when I was backpacking through Israel and bought a beautiful hand-carved nativity set from olive wood. I set it out every year as my favorite Christmas decoration. When my youngest son was two, he kept taking the little baby Jesus from the manger to play with him. I would tell him not to, but he loved that little piece. Then one day, the baby was lost. I was so disappointed — what was the point of having a nativity if the focal point was gone?
I didn’t set it out for the next couple of years, but one Christmas I was thinking about how we needed to incorporate the Savior more in our Christmas celebrations and I thought of that set. When we lost the piece that year, I spent a long time looking all over the house for the baby Jesus, and then I realized — that is what I should be doing every year! That is the whole point of Christmas! So I now set that nativity out with the missing baby and it reminds me every year to focus on spending my time searching diligently for Christ.
Thank you, Sally.
How do you find ways to spend more time seeking Jesus Christ during the busy Christmas season?
One of my daughters was in Bethlehem and brought me back a hand carved nativity. I have this on our fireplace all year long. It is too beautiful to put away and is a constant reminder of Jesus His birth. Thank you to Kiri.
Aloha Shawna I wanted to see how I can get a copy of the miracle slide show so I can show it to the kids at church. the church wifi will not allow so I have to add to my phone and airplay it on the apple tv at church. Please let me know how I can get the video. Mahalo..Elaine
Hi would like to teaching your beautiful song “The Miracle” to the primary children in our ward. The video that you have is wonderful and I would love to share it will all of the children. My computer will not connect to the internet at church. Is there anyway that you can please email me the video so that I can share it with all of the children?
I was wondering if you have the violin part to The Miracle. Thanks
I stumbled upon “Do You Have Room” on YouTube today. What a powerful song! I love it. As I listened to all the rest of your songs, they touched a deep place in my heart that had begun to grow stale. Thank you, Shawna, for allowing God to work through your gift of music!!! and Thank you Jesus for being our Savior!
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