I've had people ask for the lyrics. I don't usually do this, but sharing the message is my priority on this song. So here they are:

When darkness veiled the sky the day that Jesus died

In agony upon the bitter cross

They took His body down and laid it in a tomb

His friends believed that everything was lost. 

But when the third day came, the darkness turned to light

For Mary heard her name and saw the living Christ.



To set the captives free


To ransom you and me

To bind up every broken heart

To conquer death and sin.


To bring us home again.


And in that barren place the world forever changed

For hope was born when Jesus rose that day

And still His wounded hands reveal the love He has

For every fallen soul He came to save 

And He will come again, and one by one we’ll rise

To praise His holy name and see the living Christ



To set the captives free


To ransom you and me

To bind up every broken heart

To conquer death and sin.


To bring us home again.


Alleluia, He lives

Alleluia, He is



To set the captives free

Oh, He is risen

To ransom you and me

To bind up every broken heart

To conquer death and sin.


To bring us home again.




  • victoria Payne

    hi Shawna, thank you for sharing this song,
    i am using this song to sing in our Night Feverhttps://www.stmarysgosport.org.uk/events-1/nightfever-4
    in 3 weeks time, and when we practice last night the rest of the singer is how beautiful is this song.

    thank you you are most blessed for your worship song

  • Sylvia Chapa

    What a wonderful song, truly an inspired moment each time I listen to it, and beautifully performed by One Voice Children’s Choir. When I played the video for my grades 1-5, I was going to pause it partway through because we were running over our rehearsal time, and the kids with their eyes glued to the screen, put up little hands and sort of whispered, “no………I wanna see it.” That convinced me we would learn it with the combined Youth Music Ministry. I’m sure it will become one of their favorites. I purchased everything yesterday, and plan to use it with our grades 1-12 singers & instruments. Question: have you written any youth musicals or cantatas? I’m thinking of doing a summer program.

  • Ris

    Thank you for sharing the song and the lyrics. It’s such a blessing for being able to understand it more after reading the text.
    Is it ok if I try to translate it to Bahasa Indonesia, or perhaps you already have the lyrics in Indonesia? If possible, I want to share this song in my language so can be understood more.
    Is it possible to have the piano sheet and choir sheet for this song, how?
    Thank you and God bless all of you for this beautiful song. I believe God loves it and His name is exalted, and many souls are blessed by this song

  • Helen Nation

    Shawna, thank you for such a beautiful song. The message of what Jesus did for us is so clear. I’ve been looking for a song to share with others and this is the one. It is really anointed. Blessings.

  • Brianna

    Is There is an instrumental part it risen.

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