Sheet Music Now Available in Translated Languages

Sheet Music Now Available in Translated Languages

Hi friends,

This is a moment that MANY people have been waiting for, and I am thrilled to share this exciting news with all of you. Sheet music is now available in multiple languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Japanese!

Over the years, I’ve received countless requests from all corners of the globe to have my sheet music translated in different languages. I am deeply grateful for those of you who have yearned for my songs to be available in their native tongue. It is because of your unwavering support for this project - and your patience - that we’ve finally begun to make it happen. 

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the translators who came out of the woodwork to lend their talents and make this dream a reality. 

And now, I invite all of you to join me in spreading the word. Please share this exciting news with your friends and family who speak foreign languages. And let them know that this is a start - and there will be more to come.

Find translated sheet music here.

With heartfelt excitement and gratitude,


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