Promised Land
The story of Moses is really a story of the Lord’s love for His people. Moses became a powerful tool in the hands of the Lord. As children learn this song, not only will they learn and remember the story of Moses delivering the children of Israel, but they will also remember how God can work mighty miracles in their lives too.
Sheet Music & Recordings
To order sheet music, recordings and/or group bundles, please select from the products listed below. If you are teaching this song to a choir or group of children, you’ll want to order the Group Bundle. Please protect our copyright by only making the number of copies you have paid for.
Translated Languages
Sheet music for Promised Land is now available in German.
The story of Moses is a story of faith.
In Jesus, our Lord, and His power to save.
His life was in danger when only a babe.
And his mother had to hide him in a basket she made.
Years later, God called him to do something grand:
Lead the children of Israel to their promised land.
He said to the Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
I’m sure it won’t surprise you that the Pharaoh said “No.”
And the Lord would be with them every chapter and page.
He can move any mountain. He can part any wave.
And if we let Him lead them with His almighty hand,
Nothing can keep them from their promised land.
Pharaoh’s heart just grew harder, So Egypt was cursed
With ten plagues that ended with the death of their first.
When the destroying angel passed over the land,
All Israel was delivered through the blood of the lamb.
The children of Israel were finally free.
Pharaoh’s army gave chase so Moses parted the sea.
All these miracles show us, whether great or small
That Jesus has the power to deliver us all.
And the Lord would be with them every chapter and page.
He can move any mountain. He can part any wave.
And if we let Him lead us with His almighty hand,
Nothing can keep us from our promised land.
YouTube Comments
Thank you so much. My Seminary class loves your songs. It's such a great way to introduce each story and help.the students see the relevance to their lives.
-Sandy Hillquist
Shawna, this is so beautiful. It has already touched many lives and will surely touch many more. Thanks for being a force for good!
- Jake Despain
Shawna....your gift is amazing...thank you for sharing!
- Diana Campbell