The Creation
In “The Creation” song, I wanted to make learning about how God created the earth something fun and engaging. So this song is upbeat and enjoyable for all ages. You’ll sing through the night and the day, the sun and the rain, the fruit on the trees, and about the honey bees.
Sheet Music & Recordings
To order sheet music, recordings and/or group bundles, please select from the products listed below. If you are teaching this song to a choir or group of children, you’ll want to order the Group Bundle. Please protect our copyright by only making the number of copies you have paid for.
Translated Languages
In the first verse of the Bible,
We read these wondrous words:
“In the beginning, God created the heaven
And the earth.”
Every time we look around us,
We can see His love displayed
In every single thing He made.
He made the night and the day,
The sun and the rain,
The mountains and the morning dew.
He made the rivers that flow,
And the flowers that grow,
The fireflies and fishes too.
Oh, all the fruit on the trees,
Every color you see,
The hawks, and the hippos
And the honey bees.
And last but not least,
He made Adam and Eve,
And then the world was complete!
Every seed and stone and season
Show more of God’s design.
Stunning views and sweeping valleys
He made with us in mind.
We can smell the grass beneath us.
We can hear the birds above.
In all these things we feel His love.
And then the world was complete!
YouTube Comments
The Creation song is SO FUN! Such a happy catchy tune. Appreciate you sharing your talents with us
- Kathy Merkley
The harmonies in this song are so pretty! I love that this song is happy and upbeat - we need more happiness and cheer these days!
- Melanie Blaser
Thank you so much for sharing this song with us. I've been teaching your songs to the Primary every Singing Time. They all love it, especially this one!
-Jasmine Gabrido