Okay. I admit it. I'm a terrible blogger. I go on a blogging splurge -- writing several posts in a row -- and then...nothing. For a long time. In fact, the last time I blogged was Thanksgiving 2014. Wow. 

Yesterday, 389 people visited my site. I don't know how they felt, but when I visit a site and see that the last post was nearly a year ago, I figure there's nothing compelling there. 'Cuz if the owner of the site doesn't care all that much about the message, then it's a fairly good bet nobody else will. 

That said, I DO care about the message -- and that's why I put my songs out there in the first place. Can I just say it's a really scary and vulnerable thing for me to do that? Totally and completely out of my comfort zone. And when I posted my very first YouTube video, I thought maybe 50 or 100 people would see it, and even THAT made me nervous. When I got my first negative comment on YouTube, I stewed about it for 2 or 3 days. And when I got my first really nasty comment, I was prepared to take the video down and just forget about the whole thing.

By now, I'm a little more thick-skinned. But it's still out of my comfort zone.

And there's no reason on earth for me to be doing this...except that I care about the message. And so, as I celebrate the re-beginning of my blogging career, whether anybody reads this message or not, I just want to put myself on record:

Jesus is the Christ. He is the Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer. He is the light and life of the world. Without Him, we would be hopelessly lost -- unreclaimed and unreclaimable. That's the message. And everything I say in the future will be tied to that message -- for it's the most important and transcendent truth of all time, and the one that gives everything else meaning.


And by the way, the reason people are still coming to my site -- even though I'm a terrible blogger -- is because of "THE MIRACLE." A song that says more than I could say in a thousand blog posts:  

Jesus is a God or miracles
Nothing is at all impossible to Him.
But I know this: Of all His miracles
The most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me.

Until next time -- which I promise will be sooner than a year from now,





  • Mary Brown

    Your music has touch my heart and soul, but beyond that the Miracle has become the favorite song of our children. We will all be singing it as a primary (young children’s church group, in an upcoming
    primary presentation. It will close an hour long presentation given to our whole congregation by the children on the love the savior has for them. They would rather sing the miracle than do anything else we do. Thank you for strengthening and blessing my life and the lives or all these incredible youth. PS: Really like “Do you have Room?” —makes Christ’s life not only a gift, but a challenge to share in the miracle of it!

  • Laurene Knighton

    All versions of the bible I have noted including the King James version states two fishes and five loaves of bread (one version says Barely loaves of bread :) ) I would like to ask for your permission to change the words in your song “The Miracle” for my personal use to “He fed a thousand people from two fish, five loaves of bread”. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Debra W.

    You have been blessed by the Lord to touch the world with your music and lyrics. As one of the beautiful Primary songs, “I feel my Saviors love, in all the world around me” it continues with ‘His Spirit warms my soul" (#34 in Children’s Songbook of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), This describes exactly how I feel when I hear your music. Thank you.

  • Kim

    I can’t get through this song in Primary without crying. It’s one the most beautiful songs ever written. The Spirit is so strong.even without the lyrics. I shared the You Tube video with my kids. Two are inactive and I hope it touches their lives in some way. Thank you for sharing your talent. All three songs are amazing! I shared Come Unto Christ with other family members. Thank you so much for touching my life.

  • John

    Amen. Thanks for sharing your talent with so many around the world! what a blessing to know that your song The Miracle reached the little voices it needed to! I’ve seen many children cry when they sing this song — I’ve seen adults cry when the children sing, but never the children themselves. It brings the Spirit so strong!

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