I emailed the first draft of my new Mother's Day song to my daughter. She wrote back and said, "So I don't love it. And I don't relate to it." 

Well, at least she's honest.

Then she shared the kind of day she'd had -- that she didn't feel at all like the Mother's-Day-song-kind-of-mom that day because she was frustrated and tired and just hanging on 'til bedtime. 

She said, "On days like today, I just need to know I'm doing enough. I wish you'd write a song about that."

And so I did.  

It's called "More Than Enough," and it will be available on Saturday, March 18th.

Order sheet music & recordings of "More Than Enough" here.

I'm going to blog more about it in the upcoming days, but for now I'll just say it's a message of hope and encouragement to all moms and to all people everywhere who are trying to raise happy, faithful children. No small task in today's world.

P.S. Watch for our "Buy One / Share One" day on this song. Details coming soon on Instagram (@shawnaedwardsmusic). 



  • John


    How is my favorite person in eternity. This song, along with the picture of my daughter and grandson, is perfect. I watched you labor over the words and fit the song to your experiences. You did this with the hope that others would enjoy. You wrote this song because your own mother’s journal featured so many comments about how she didn’t think she measured up. Your mother is an angel and is right now working on the other side of the veil. She was indeed more than enough as are you!
    Love ya, John

  • Kasson Bullock


    I have to tell you, I am so grateful you wrote this song. Just a week ago I was talking to my wife and she was having a “bad” day. You see we have 3 children and are expecting our fourth. I kept telling her she looked way further along then she was suppose to and mentioned maybe she had twins. She got upset with me and after calming down I asked why she was so upset at that thought. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said… “I don’t think I’m enough of a mom to handle twins”. Two days later, we found out that we were having twins. Although we are excited, we are also worried. For mothers day, I am hoping to make a slideshow from the children for her using your song. I heard your song the day I found out about the twins. I can’t listen to it without crying. Thank you so much for your words and inspiration.

  • MaKaylla

    I love this song! As a mom of 6, this is often how you feel. As a pastor’s wife you see women constantly feeling inadequate and I bought this song for our Kids Church to sing on Mother’s Day this year and it’s going to be such a blessing!

  • Pat Thomas

    I love this song! I was raised by a loving Grandma because of a terrible accident and mother’s day has always been difficult. My children have helped me feel so much better about Mother’s Day and this song fills the void. Thank you!

    I’ve looked but I cannot find the sheet music for this song. We’d like to sing it in church on Mother’s day. Help!

  • Christine Damitz

    This song is absolutely beautiful and I believe it’s what every mom needs to hear. I’m anxiously awaiting the moment to be able to purchase the music!

    Thank you so much for sharing your talents!

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