I'm really excited about this project. I'm working on a series of new songs for children - songs that teach the truths of the Jesus Christ and His gospel. More songs like "The Miracle." Here are a few titles that should be out soon -- the first one by mid November: 




There are so many great religious songs for children out there -- but sometimes I feel we underestimate our kids a little bit. I've done that myself. We tend to write children's songs that are easy and simple, because we think that's all they can handle. But I think they're ready for more -- they can both learn a more difficult song and understand a deeper doctrine. They're not only ready for it, but they NEED it. 

Now more than ever, our children need to be armed with the bold, unmistakable, and glorious truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A superficial understanding won't be enough to help them discern between good and evil. I believe the more clearly they understand pure doctrine, the more courage they'll have to choose and defend what's right. 

And I can't think of a better way to teach them than through music. 

*So check back with me in a month or so. In the meantime, check out our new children's Christmas song -- "I'd Sing You a Song."  


  • Jennifer Cosseboom

    I LOVE your new song “Choose Him Again” & I’m a new Primary Chorister as well as new to your site & cant seem to figure out how to shop or buy any of your music or bundles. Where do i go & how do I purchase music from you. I’m thinking I want to use your song in our primary program for 2017. Thanks!

  • DALYN Elzinga

    I can’t wait for your new songs! Especially choose him. We used the miracle in the last two primary programs I did. We have so many comments on how beautiful the song is and the children love it! It was one of the easiest songs to teach them. I check every week to see if the new songs are done. I am hoping to hear choose him before January!

  • Kim

    I can’t wait to hear Choose Him. I think it will be perfect for this years theme Choose the Right.
    I love your music!

  • Jennie scott

    I’m so excited for the song choose him again. I think it will tie in perfectly with the 2017 primary theme “Choose the Right”. Will the song be ready by January? We used "the miracle " this year in our program. I taught sign language to the chorus and had solos for the verses. I have an 8 year old with Down syndrome who signed the second chorus as a “solo” and I have to say, there wasn’t a dry eye. I am teaching “I’ll sing you a song” for Christmas. Someone else mentioned in a comment above that there is a bell part. I would LOVE that too. I also have bells and I think it would be awesome to have some of the children do the bells to it in our program. Thank you so much for sharing your songs and talent with the world!

  • Jan Phillipson

    I was introduced to your song “Do you have room?” by a customer who comes into my shop. I love it so much that I am going to include it in our carol service on Christmas eve. With so much going on in our lives I wonder how many of us actually make room for our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
    I have recently been called as choir leader at church and have introduced a junior choir to our practices as some of the primary children wanted to come along. I am deeply touched by your song “The Miracle” and think it would be perfect for our precious children to sing.
    Thank you for allowing us to share your music.

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