
So.....I've lowered the "Choose Him Again" group bundle price to $4.99, because I wanted to make it as affordable as possible. And since I've started with the topic of money -- and I NEVER talk about money -- I think now might be a good time to answer this question I frequently (but indirectly) get:

1. Why isn't your music free? (We're used to getting Church music for free) 

Believe me. I've struggled with this question many, many times...

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To start with, I just want to say thank you! We've been so busy the past couple of days that I didn't get my blog posts written...I guess that's a good thing, right?  

Today, I just wanted to express my profound gratitude for Jesus Christ, and this song is my testimony of all He has given - and all we have because of Him. In fact, every good thing I have is because of Him. 

This is a song I've never shared publicly before - at least 

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Well, here it is -- and I'm still nervous, but with growing excitement.

Our goal is to share the music with 1,000 new people this week, and you can help us. 

Every day for six days, we'll spotlight a song and offer a free download of that song. And every day we'll ask you to do something to share the music with others. Two of the songs will be new ones. Please allow 48 hours to receive your music. The default will be an mp3, but if you want the sheet music...

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